Sydney Chinese Dance Group


Training Scene


Sydney Chinese Dance Group

The Sydney Chinese Dance Group Incorporated was established in September 2004 and our members come from Sydney areas. All our members perform in the group on a voluntary basis supporting Multi-Cultural performances at Council shows, Australia Day, Chinese New Year and different Festivals. They are committed to showcasing the best of classical Chinese dance and songs and artistry.

The Sydney Chinese Dance Group incorporated majority of the group’s members are professionally trained dancers and artists from mainland China who are now living and working in Australia as Australian citizens. Many run their own small business and some are working mothers as well.

The aim of our organisation is to link different cultural communities across Australia. The group offers development opportunities for the exchange of art and culture in our multicultural society. Dance has no language barrier and can be use in special way to fosters and builds relationships between Asian and other communities of diverse backgrounds.

Our Goals are:

1. To promote awareness of Chinese and Western cultures and traditional dance arts. To promote performing arts and to increase public understand and appreciation of Chinese and Western friendship. To achieve business successful and develop economic in Sydney.
2. To bring social happy life to people of all nationalities in our multicultural country, Australia.
3. Keeping physically and mentally fit.
4. Promoting a healthy, positive lifestyle for all people of all cultural backgrounds.

Almost all of our Sydney Chinese Dance members have been trained in dancing from a young age in China. The members are now either Australian citizen residents and have professional jobs or their own small business. They love Australia, yet still miss the Chinese performing arts and have dedicated a lot of their leisure time to practicing them here.

Our dance group is a non-profit organization. We know that dancing has no language barrier and all nationalities enjoy our shows. In fact, we also perform folk dances from other countries as well. So through our performances, we are able to link with all other communities to achieve cultural harmony – a much desired goal in Sydney today.

Our members believe we are making an important cultural contribution to our society while receiving the added benefits of better health and wellbeing through our rigorous dance performance.

The Sydney Chinese Dance Group has successfully put several dance performances at Parramatta Riverside Theatre – The “Melody of the Dance” in 2006; The "Spirit of the Dance" in 2007 and the “Dream of the Dance” in 2008. Especially the last year show, the Sydney Chinese Dance Group has donated all profit towards the earthquake victims of Suchuan China. The Dance group has expressed its solidarity and support with the unfortunate victims of the earthquake through its performance.

The Sydney Chinese Dance Group participated the Bush Fire Relief Concert with Australia professional dance companies organised by the Parramatta City Council in early this year at Riverside Theatres Parramatta. Their contribution towards muti cultures exchange very well known by Australian Government.

For any information and inquiry, please contact us:
Mobile: 0416108086 Jing YUAN
             0481014641 Jenny ZHANG



電話: 0416108086 袁 菁
            0481014641 張 瑩