人如其名,梁骊给自己起的英文名就是Krystal, 和晶莹透明的水晶的发音相同,代表了她率直的个性。梁骊是个典型的白羊座,表里如一,喜怒哀乐都显示在脸上。工商管理硕士,注册会计师,学的和做的都和舞蹈没有半点关系。儿时是个男仔头,调皮捣蛋,也和舞蹈没有什么关系。这个没有任何舞蹈基础的安徽姑娘,却在悉尼固执地爱上了舞蹈,加入了悉尼华人舞蹈团,一跳就是十年。
她欣赏舞蹈的优雅,喜欢舞蹈的灵动,热爱舞蹈的自由,陶醉于舞蹈带来的感觉。当随着音乐翩翩起舞时,她感觉她是在追随着自己渴望的梦想。音乐在空中飘动,她在音乐中飞翔。一会旋转在繁花似锦的树林中,一片片花瓣如天女散花似的落在她的身上;一会徜徉在绿草如茵的大草原,伴着蓝蓝的天幕,悠悠的白云;一会漫步在一望无际的海滩上,海风轻拂着她的长发,海浪喃喃地为她歌唱…….. 那时那刻,在舞蹈中, 灿烂是她的生命,美丽是她的灵魂,快乐是她的心情。
舞蹈还让她结识了一群真朋挚友。悉尼华人舞蹈团是个精英汇集的团体,团里的姐妹们个个外形靓丽,品德高尚, 气质优雅,而且极有生活情趣。在和她们的交往上,无论是生活上,还是为人处世上,都令她获益良多。认识这帮姐妹是她加入舞蹈团的另一个最大的收获。
未来的日子里,她希望能够一直这样在悉尼华人舞蹈团快乐的跳舞,并和这些美丽智慧的姐妹们开心相伴,幸福相随 。
Li Liang picked “Krystal” as her English name as it is the same pronunciation as crystal, just like her character – pure and bright. Krystal is typical Aries, deeply sentimental and hiding no emotions away. Growing up almost like a tomboy and working as a registered accountant with a master degree in MBA, Krystal had never thought that dance would play such an important role in her life. Since she joined the Sydney Chinese Dance Group, Krystal has fallen in love with the art of dance even though she has indeed never had any dance training before. Her love for dance over the past ten years does not show even the slightest sign of fading.
Krystal loves the sense of grace and freedom brought by dance. While dancing, she feels like she is living in her most beautiful dream, flying in the music. It is when she is dancing that brightness is her life, gracefulness is her soul and happiness is her mood.
Dance has not only given her better wellbeing and body shape, it has improved her taste but also allowed her to explore more about the sense of beauty. Walking down the street, Krystal, now in her forties, receives compliments from strangers that she has no heard of since she was in her twenties. This is one of the miracles brought by dancing.
In Krystal’s eyes, the Sydney Chinese Group is a group of elites. The dancers’ tastes and characters have enlightened her significantly in terms of discovering the beauty of life. The friendship with the dancers is what Krystal treasures most. Being together with all these good friends and dancing forever for the Sydney Chinese Dance Group is the life plan of Krystal, Li Liang.