孙艾莉,悉尼华人舞蹈圈子里的翘楚,是亚裔舞坛寥寥无几的耀眼人物之一,在悉尼可谓饱领风光。 2008年,刚刚二十来岁的孙艾莉就以其突出的舞蹈天赋和艺术成就成为悉尼华人舞蹈团的艺术团长。她美艳的面庞,让多少人赞叹惊绝,她精湛的舞姿,更是让 多少人为之陶醉。没错,她就是孙艾莉。在最近轰动一时的舞剧《唐花仙子》中,她不仅以其出色的演技塑造了倾国倾城的花王牡丹,而且发挥了自身独特的舞蹈特技,在多姿多彩的舞动中烘托了花王的绰约风姿,那段如梦似幻的霓裳羽衣贵妃舞的华彩段落,更堪称为整场舞剧的点睛之笔,精彩之至,令人为之惊叹叫绝。这位丽人用她优美的舞姿在舞台上划下了一条闪光的艺术轨迹。
走近生活中的孙艾莉,她时尚而典雅、美丽而大方、多才多艺,平时喜欢读书绘画,为人安静得体、自信而不事张扬。 她身段修长,苗条似柳,但从不节食,难以置信的是她酷爱观看‘Master chef’而且厨艺一流。 除了舞蹈之外最大的爱好就是美食,蛋糕、涮羊肉、烧烤还有东西方不同国家的特色餐点全都兴趣盎然,这对于绝大多数的舞蹈演员来说是有食心没食胆的。她的窍门是把吃进去的致胖物质用独特的练功方式消化掉,既过了馋瘾,又身材窈窕如初。如果你以为她是一名专业舞蹈演员的话, 那你就错啦。 她其实是位拥有教育学硕士学位的中学英语老师, 教书育人才是她的本职。 这也是为什么多才多艺的她总是成为人们眼中的一个传奇的原因。
原来以为是美丽让她成为舞者,那儿知道这竟然是她儿时的选择。 还是在幼儿园时,有一次老师问:“哪位小朋友给大家跳个舞啊?”长着一双大眼睛的小艾莉便手舞足蹈、像模像样地跳起来,她对舞蹈的灵气,着实惊煞老师!从此,老师有意识地培养这颗小苗苗。小艾莉也仿佛是为舞而生,从幼儿园就懂得开始苦练基本功。她天资聪慧,悟性极高,勤奋好学, 这一切为她后来的舞蹈艺术表演和创作打下坚实的基础。 在舞台上留下了成功,对于艾莉来说是生命之美的第一台阶。 而第二台阶是传承,为此她牺牲自己的业余时间到蓓蕾舞蹈学校担任老师, 让自己的梦在更多的孩子们身上延续。
说到传奇, 一个不事张扬,不贪图热闹的人,内心并不缺少激情。从孙艾莉的舞蹈中,会让人领略到她丰富的内心世界和出色的艺术造诣。于是便让我们看到她所塑造的《唐花仙子》,《飞天》,《床前明月光》等一个个让观众惊叹的舞台形象。 她以卓越的演技、绝美的外型和飘逸的舞姿,把这些人物的神秘感、深明大义以及高雅的诗人气质演绎得惟妙惟肖,让观众一览无余。艾莉能够忘却自我,沉醉于戏,以曼妙的线条、温润的眼神和古朴的气质,呈现着不可言传的美感。真不知道她是如何达到物我两忘的“悟”境状态。 她通过每一个动作和表情的瞬间,以她特有的方式,将繁复的内心戏把握得恰如其分。她将一个个风华绝代、心怀着淡淡哀愁、清纯高雅的东方女性展示给观众,让人生发出无尽的遐想。 |
孙艾莉是一个有自己艺术主张的人,她善于学习,勇于创新。她曾两次代表悉尼华人舞蹈团前往深圳接受国家侨办举办的舞蹈培训。 使她对古典舞和民族舞有了更加深入的了解, 在其后的演出和舞蹈团的训练中都发挥了重要作用。 艾莉的才能结构是多方面的,她文字语言也很优美,她用这样的语言优势表述着她对生活的态度和对舞蹈的理解与看法。这在一个舞者来说是难能可贵的。她曾多次主持晚会、舞蹈演出,也多次面对记者或电视镜头侃侃而谈。她那语言词意的恰当准确,语言逻辑的有条不紊,语言色彩的声情兼具,语言节奏的不温不火,还有那机敏应变、临场处置、灵活应付的才思巧慧,真难猜想她是怎么锻炼出来的,可能也像她的舞蹈表演那样进入“悟”境之后的一种无我状态吧。
艾莉的确是个传奇,当她不开玩笑的时候,她的舞蹈的灵气是惊人的,能在几周之内掌握爵士舞、Hip-Hop 还有肚皮舞, 而且跳的让内行们刮目相看, 在我看来就是她的玩笑,但是我始终觉得她不是一个善于说笑话的人,她所有拥有的才华是具有明显优雅与知性特征的,偶尔说说笑话作为调剂吧,我还是更喜欢看到她如《月光》,如《扇舞丹青》, 如《唐花仙子》这样的作品,我们的时代太过浮华,需要一些思考来让我们清醒!
不要迷恋艾莉,艾莉只是个传说,呵呵一句玩笑,套用网上那句很流行的 “不要迷恋哥,哥只是传说” 。我们的确不必迷恋谁,但是,无疑,孙艾莉是我们悉尼华人舞蹈界为数不多的一个。但就好像《蜘蛛侠》中的那句经典台词所说的一样“能力越大责任越大”,对于艾莉,总是有更多的期待和更高的要求,让我们翘首以待她新的传奇。
The Aili in my eyes
In the Sydney Chinese performing arts community Aili Sun is a well known dancer and choreographer. She is an extraordinary dancer in the Sydney Chinese community. Aili started her journey in the Sydney Chinese Dance Group in her early 20s and with her exceptional dance knowledge and skills she quickly became the artistic director and choreographer of the dance group. She is not only beautiful on the outside but also elegant, graceful and passionate through her dance. Aili’s recent appearance was in the Flower Goddesses of Tang Dynasty as the main character (flower queen Peony). This large scale dance drama has brought the audiences a new sight of Chinese dance, with Aili’s skills and techniques in the dance she helped the character to elevate the drama story to a new height. Especially the last act of the dance where she led the group to an extraordinary ending, not to mention Aili’s skills using the colourful Tang Dynasty costume have added a unique visual element to the audience. Again Aili’s dances have left audiences an unforgettable experience.
When Aili was a little girl her kindergarten teacher inspired her to perform and dance in front of her friends and that was when she started love dance and perform. Aili started learning dance at age of five, her talent and hard work have had big contribution to her dance and chorography skills. Aili has been introduced to jazz, hip-hop and contemporary dance when she was study in high school in Australia, this allowed her to be able to grasp and create modern dance in a very unique way. With her skill set in Chinese dance Aili has shown her amazing choreograph skill through different forms of Chinese dance such as Dai, Han, Meng, Miao, Zhang, Xinjiang just to name a few. Aili loves to help young dancers from the group to refine their skills and also very kind to share the key element to a technique in a particular move. She is a patient dance instructor and teacher as well as a talented dancer who always able to find time for the others to share her knowledge.
In real life Aili is a beautiful, talented and stylish girl who loves arts and books, she is a confident individual who loves to spend time with her friends and share her knowledge and skills with the others. She is a quiet tall Chinese girl; her slim build has been her greatest gift. You would not believe that Aili has never been on a diet and surprisingly talented in cooking and she loves ‘Master Chef’. Besides dance her other major interest will be food, her vast interest on food can only bring envy from other dancers. Her secret is to eat healthy and exercise through dance, this allowed her not only enjoy delicious food but also build a slim body shape at the same time. Aili also holds a Master of Teaching Degree teaching is her true profession and her passion. This is why she is so talented and gifted, she always brings surprises to people and to me she is a legend.
Aili’s achievements are not only shown on the stages she also passionate in teaching and educate next generation. She is currently a teacher from the Department of Education and Community (DEC) in NSW. Most of her students are local high school students who have limited knowledge about Mandarin and Chinese culture. The school Aili is working at is one of the three Confucius Classrooms in NSW which supported by the Confucius institute from Chinese Government. Every year there are more than 300 students who have the opportunity to be in Aili’s classes to experience Chinese culture and the beauty of the language. Aili commented that to see the students thrive and succeed are the best moment of her teaching career. In August 2013 Aili participated and given a presentation on the first Asia Education Foundation (AEF) held in Melbourne. She presented in front of colleagues from interstates, principals from different schools as well as educators from across the country on language teaching pedagogies, culture immersion and Outreach projects she had ran in her school. As an educator Aili is dedicate and passionate to continue her role as a teacher to inspire younger learners about Chinese language, culture and arts.
By Lisa (Chi Hongmei)
14/Aug/2013 |