Qian Li - Maggie
曾经看到一句这样的话,一般女人不会跳舞,而会跳舞的女人不一般。李倩是一位南国风韵的舞蹈演员。她多次在悉尼华人舞蹈团里穿插的舞技而从不计较个人是否在该团体舞中担任主角,她的认真一丝不苟对艺术敬业精神是大家所见。李倩英文名字Maggin,多年生活在澳洲并开创自己的小生意,无论生意多么繁忙她总是尽量抽时间坚持练功排练,由于她的精湛的舞蹈功底与多种风格舞蹈表演如:拉丁舞,藏族舞都跳出不同的民族风格深受观众欢迎。李倩的沉静,端庄和对舞蹈艺术的追求,给我们带来了不同的感受。她真的是一位不一般的女人,尤其是她用自身的努力创造了一个又一个的艺术形象 ...
Qian Li (Maggin) comes from Sout-East China and runs her own business in Australia. Busy as a successful business woman, Maggin has never been absent for dance training and rehearsal every Sunday. Maggin is known by her outstanding dance techniques and unique styles for Latin and Tibetan dances. Maggin’s diligence, gracefulness and passion for the art of dance are no doubt precious assets of the Sydney Chinese Dance Group, bringing to the audience many unforgettable characters in the spotlight.