她, 容貌秀美,美丽得象天上的一片云;她,娉婷婀娜,轻盈得如同树上的一片叶;她,温婉娴静,典雅得宛若图画中的古装仕女。她,来自于山清水秀,人杰地灵的巴山蜀水,如诗如画的山水孕育了她的艺术灵气,启迪了她的聪慧天赋。 她就是悉尼华人舞蹈团青年舞蹈演员-四川成都的辣妹子黄晓燕。所有见过她的人,都会被她真诚善良的心所感动,被她妩媚动人的舞姿所吸引,被她温柔敦厚的品德所折服。 朋友们总是亲切地叫她“燕子”。人如其名,在舞蹈团,燕子以轻盈柔美、飘逸灵动的舞姿而著称。
舞台上的燕子是光芒四射的,舞台下,生活中的燕子是同样的光彩照人,优雅美丽。她审美品位高,时尚触觉敏锐,打扮精致得体。得益于长期的舞蹈训练,她姿态优美,气质脱俗,永远都踩着一双精巧 的高跟鞋。十寸高跟鞋 是成了她的美丽标志,无论何时何地她都将优雅发挥得淋漓尽致。最经典的例子就是一个寒风凌冽的冬天晚上,燕子到悉尼歌剧院看演出, 周围的人都裹得严严实实,她却穿着超短裙,一如既往的踩着十寸高跟鞋,露出修长的美腿,披着一件漂亮帅气的大衣,当她站在那里,背对着悉尼大桥和大桥上迷蒙的灯光,如此地风姿绰约,别人都以为是国际超模在拍杂志封面呢。和她相比,优雅的法国女人少了几分妩媚,妩媚的中国女人缺了一些优雅。那一夜,悉尼港是属于这个美丽女子黄晓燕的,悉尼大桥上的灯光因她闪亮,歌剧院下的浪花为她绽放。那一夜,悉尼港记住了一个叫黄晓燕的女子身披大衣,脚蹬高跟鞋,短裙,美腿站在悉尼桥下,歌剧院前的绝美身姿。
美丽的外表源自快乐的内心和对生活的热情。燕子爱好广泛,极有生活情趣,总是坚持丰富的趣致的生活着。不时地变换个新的发型,为闺蜜们煮一顿精美的晚餐,录制一首好听的歌曲,为孩子和先生的笑容忙忙碌碌,忙碌中也保持着一份淡然和恬静。团里的姐妹们都说燕子是越活越年轻了。是的,生活总是善待热爱生活的人, 岁月没有在燕子身上留下痕迹,反而令她更加魅力十足。同朋友在酒吧聚会时,门前的保安竟然坚持要检查身份证,而她已经是两个孩子的母亲了。
除了与生俱来对舞蹈的狂热和执着,对优雅高品质的生活的追求, 燕子还有一颗热忱,善良的公益之心。自从加入了悉尼华人舞蹈团十多年来,燕子坚持参与各种舞蹈艺术交流活动, 为促进舞蹈艺术的多元文化和中澳友好做出了的贡献。
Xiao Yan Huang (Elim) comes from the city of Chengdu, a city with picturesque scenery and famous for beautiful ladies. Elim is a typical Chengdu lady - gorgeous with extraordinary vibrancy . Dancers like to call her "Swallow" since her name Xiao Yan means "little swallow" in Chinese, just like the way she dances: agile, lively and graceful.
Elim loves singing and dancing. Nothing can stop her from pursuing her dream of performing. She is never late for weekly training as she believes that every movement requires practice and accuracy. Elim knows crystal clear that one has to be able to express her soul in order to give a great performance. Every performance for Elim is a precious journey of expressing herself and sharing happiness as well as passion to the audience. She enjoys being on stage, hearing the applause, feeling proud and confident.
Elim is luminous on stage and graceful off stage. Years of training as a dancer has given her great taste and perfect shape. High heel shoes are Elim's icon. In one cold winter evening, Elim was at the Opera House to watch a show. While others were wearing coats and hats, Elim was still in her mini skirt and iconic high heels. Standing under the lights, against the harbour, the little swallow was the super model. That night, Sydney harbour would remember the girl named Xiao Yan, a beautiful lady with gorgeous long legs and iconic shinning high heels.
Elim believes her beauty comes from her happiness and passion towards life. Changing hair styles, cooking for besties, recording songs, loving being busy around her husband and lovely children, Elim is such a versatile lady. Her rich and colourful life has gifted Elim an amazingly young appearance though she is already a mother of two children!
Apart from the love towards dancing and passion for life, as a member of Australian society, Elim is keen in contributing to the nation she loves deeply. Since she joined the Sydney Chinese Dance Group ten years ago, Elim has participated in all kinds of performances and shows, contributing with her dances to the promotion of Australian multiculturalism and the relationship between China and Australia. This is Elim, the little swallow Xiao Yan, who dances for us wholeheartedly.
By Jing Yuan
06/Jan/2016 |