Anny LOU

Vice Director









  • 身为海外华人的一员,每人都忙碌着自己的生活和工作。经营着一家儿童玩具礼品公司的楼创红,靠着自己的努力在这片异乡之土上辛勤耕耘。正如舞蹈中的她,虽然不是科班出身的专业舞蹈演员,但是由于她个人的坚持刻苦,以及日复一日的勤加练习,经过多场次大大小小演出的洗礼,她已经完成了从舞蹈爱好者向专业舞蹈演员的升华。







    Anny LOU is the vice director of the Sydney Chinese Dance Group. She was born in the city known for its beautiful women, ZheJiang.

    She is modest yet graceful and elegant. Nobody can ignore her beauty wherever she ventures; her classic style easily draws people’s attention and they are eager to find out more about her. Anny’s beauty is anything but skin deep. She is thriving with life experience, which makes her even more charming. Like a fine wine, her character improves with age.

    Anny has been working with the Sydney Chinese Dance Group for 8 years. In the beginning, funding was scarce and the group was found wanting, yet Anny was quite generous when it came to costumes and dance shoes at her own expense. She appointed dance teachers to improve everybody’s skills.

    Over the last few years Anny has been learning new dance styles such as Dai, which flaunts her sensuous figure, and the fiery Spanish dancing styles that bring out her romantic side. She is a perfectionist that she gives everything into dance. When the Flower Goddess of Tang Dynasty was first performed in Sydney, she created a unique character to fulfil the story. Her performance left the audience touched, and she received a standing ovation.

    Like most Chinese immigrants, Anny is working hard to support herself. She owns a successful children’s toy store in Sydney which she built through hard work and a never give up attitude. Through countless performances and relentless practice, she evolved from an amateur to a celebrated professional dancer.

    Anny’s story is one that we can all find inspiration; her perseverance, determination and ambition have forged success in both her dance and her career.

    By Yuan Jing
