Vice Director








  • 自从2005年加入悉尼华人舞蹈团以来,除了舞蹈表演以外,张莹更肩负着领导舞团发展壮大的重任。如果说悉尼华人舞蹈团是一个大家庭,那张莹便是这个大家庭的大管家,掌管一切内外事务。大到演出安排、统筹管理,小至服装道具、细枝末节,每一件小事,每一个细节,她都会悉心考虑,精心照料,把这个大家庭打理得井井有条,日益兴旺。无论舞蹈还是团务,台前或是幕后,张莹都力争以最大的热情认真地把一切都努力做到最好。在这看似是完美主义的背后,体现出的是张莹真正的责任感,而正是这样的责任感才能使一个团里的每一个成员紧紧的凝聚在一起,风雨同舟,共济前行。每当悉尼华人舞蹈团在耀眼的聚光灯下,书写一个又一个神话,演绎一段又一段传奇,讲述一个又一个故事,留下一段又一段佳话,请大家不要忘记,辉煌的背后,一直在默默奉献、无私付出的,是舞蹈团的副团长Jenny Zhang,请大家记住这个闪耀的名字——张莹。

    Jenny Zhang, the vice president of Sydney Chinese Dance Group, has discovered her passion in dancing from early age and has never given up dancing ever since. As an active member of the art and dance committee of the XI’an Jiaotong University, Jenny participated and organised various dance events and the dance she choreographed won the third place in university dance competition. Graduated from university, Jenny not only became a valuable member of her workplace, but also actively promoted the art of dancing. The workforce dance team led by Jenny won the second place in the Xi’an Worker Dance Competition.

    Jenny has been working for NSW state department since her arrival in Australia more than 20 years ago and has been an indispensible member of the Sydney Chinese Dance Group since its establishment. In the past eight years, Jenny has barely missed any weekly training and certainly deserves to be considered the most diligent and conscientious member of the group as she always remembers every single movements of all the performance the group has performed, which has clearly revealed her passion and love towards the art of dance.

    Apart from playing the role as an excellent dancer, Jenny also holds the great responsibility of leading the group to greater improvement. As the vice president of the group, Jenny is in charge of a wide of tasks from costume and props to performance production and management. Jenny’s pursuit of perfection is no doubt a crystal clear evidence of her love and passion in the art of dance as well as her great sense of responsibility and solidarity towards the Sydney Chinese Dance Group.


    By Zhang Le
